Monday, September 30, 2019

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: the Confusion of Dreams

Kelly Johnson ENGL 3000-006 Remien March 5, 2010 Paper 1 The Confusion of Dreams You are falling faster and faster through the pale blue sky with no parachute and nothing to grab on to. The shards of rock below seem to get sharper and sharper as a wave of terror and hopelessness takes over. You are just moments away from certain death when all of the sudden you wake up and realize it was all a dream. In William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, he uses the power of dreams to construct the possibility of an alternate reality. A Midsummer Night’s Dream has many crude elements, which may have been offensive to many members of the audience, possibly causing the removal of his play. In order to combat this potential problem, Shakespeare adds Puck’s final speech to serve as an apology. Instead of using a simple apology though, Shakespeare attempts to convince the audience members they too were in a dream by linking the audience to the characters of the play, powerful discourse and imagery. All of these elements allow the reader or viewer to feel at ease instead of resentment as the play commences. The final speech of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at first seems out of place. As this play is a comedy, Oberon’s final speech appears to be the perfect ending. However, the last words go to Puck, the fairy responsible for all of the mischief seen throughout the play, as he tries to fill the audience with a sense of peace by playing with the idea of dreams. In concurrence with the title, dreams are a dominant element throughout the play. Instead of the lovers questioning anything that previously happened, they just accept they all had the same dream, which allows them to happily continue with their lives as all peace was restored. This speech offers an extension of the possibility that it was all a dream to the audience. Puck calls on the audience to think, â€Å"That you have but slumbered here/ While these visions did appear† (5. 1. 417-418). Puck and the other fairies were able to mend all of the problems between the lovers and this speech should do just the same for the audience. If everything previously witnessed is only a dream, then there is no need for outrage and â€Å"all is mended† (5. 1. 416). By creating a dream-like environment, the focus turns from the drama that unfolded throughout the play to the mystical and humorous occurrences. This enables the audience to feel sense of closure. In addition to relating the audience to the characters, the use of discourse aids to the dream-like sense. Throughout A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the way language is used plays an important role in the message Shakespeare is portraying and the final speech is no different, with the language used mirroring the language throughout the play. The final lines of the play extend upon the use of binary opposites. Throughout this speech, Puck offers conflicting ideas that cause further confusion for the audience, similar to the way dreams are viewed as perplexing upon waking up. Puck insists â€Å"And, as I am an honest Puck, If we have enearned luck Now to scape the serpent’s tongue, We will make amends ere long; Else the Puck a liar call. † (5. 1. 415-420) The contraction between â€Å"honest† and â€Å"liar† is blatant and it is impossible to be both. Additionally, while this is an apology as Puck attempts to gain the audience’s trust, this speech is filled with dangerous images, such as â€Å"serpent’s tongue;† adding a sense of doubt and unease. This confusion further adds to the dream-like sense Shakespeare is trying to create. In addition to the binary opposites that are used, this speech is spoken in such a way that it has a feeling of a lullaby. After suggesting the fact everything previously witnessed may have been a dream, Puck utters the lines â€Å"And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream, Gentles, do not reprehend, If you pardon, we will mend. † (5. 1. 419-422) While throughout the play, various other characters spoke lyrically, these lyrically spoken lines sound like something out of a lullaby, as if Puck wants the audience to once again fall asleep and dream as to possibly forget everything that had just transpired. Unlike the supernatural magic that was used on the characters throughout the play, Puck is attempting to use the magic of words to get the audience to do and think as he pleases. Using the words â€Å"weak and idle,† â€Å"yielding† and â€Å"Gentles† make the audience feel at peace and willing to do what Puck is asking of them. In addition to the form used, Shakespeare uses the images of shadows in this complex apology. The use of imagery throughout A Midsummer Night’s Dream, including the final speech, plays a powerful role in the underlying meaning of the play. In the first lines of his short monologue, Puck states â€Å"If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended- That you have but slumbered here While these visions did appear. † (5. 1. 415-418) Instead of referring to the actors as a people, he calls them â€Å"shadows. † The fairies, whose presence has often been mysterious and murky, throughout the play have directed the course of events that transpired. Therefore, it would make sense to the audience to want to follow what Puck is saying, as in the moment, it is the most natural thing to do. Similar to many of the other aspects of this speech, this proposes that what had just happened was simply the work of each person’s imagination. In this sense, Puck is therefore leaving it up to the audience to decide if what they have just witnessed is good or bad. The â€Å"shadows† simply exist; it is up to the audience to give them meaning that relates to each of their lives, just as the characters in the play did. The final speech of A Midsummer Night’s Dream wants to make the audience feel as though they were dreaming, which is accomplished by linking the audience to the characters, discourse and imagery. Puck’s final monologue of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is more than just a simple apology. Even with the darker images and contradictions of the speech, it provides closure for the audience. Just as the characters in the play were able to think everything happened was simply a dream and continue to go about with their lives, Shakespeare is attempting to instill the same belief in the audience and hoping they enjoy the happy ending. Works Cited Shakespeare, William, and Russ McDonald. A Midsummer Night's Dream. New York, N. Y. : Penguin, 2000. Print.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Care of Residents and Floor Manager Essay

Bi-Describe the terms and conditions of your contract as set out in your contract of employment or employment agreement. Answer-Turn up to work at the required times, wear the correct uniform, holiday entitlement , pay rate and confidentiality. Bii-Describe the information which needs to be shown on your pay slip/statement. Answer-Hours worked, employee number, NI insurance number, tax code, payment before deductions and payment after deductions and hourly rate. Biii-Identify two changes to personal information which you must report to your employer. Answer-Change of address or Medical condition. Biv-Describe the procedure to follow if you want to raise a grievance at work. Answer-Refer to flow chart. -See attatched. Bv-Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the following areas. 1)Data protection: Ensure all information is stored in a secure place and no information is given out if unsure. 2)Grievance:Discuss with floor manager or home manager. )Conflict management:If i had a problem with a member of staff, for example if i didnt like the way that they were treating a resident i would go to my manager and explain my concerns, if after informing my manager the problem persists i would then go back, if my manager dismissed this as she has already talked to the staff member, this would cause conflict and i would seek help from someone above my manager(Regional Director). 4)Anti-discriminatory: Treat everyone as an individual and do no dis-respect race or culture. )Health&Safety:Keep up to date with all training and comply with all requested of me to ensure myself, collegues and residents are not at risk of harm or injury. 6)Confidentiality:Ensure all information is secured properly and dont give out any information to anyone your not sure about, consult Team Leader if unsure. 7)Whistleblowing:Identify the unethical baahaviour in questionand determine how its affecting you or the organisation in which you work. Decide whether the problem is worth reporting and if it will put yours or someone elses job at risk. Whistleblowing encourages and enables employees to raise serious concerns within the ‘setting’ rather than overlooking a problem or ‘blowing the whistle’ outside. Employees are often the first to realise that there is something seriously wrong within the setting. However, they may not express their concerns as they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to the setting. Follow whisleblowing procedure. Bvi-Explain how your role contributes to the overall delivery of the service provided. Answer-I follow all policies and procedure and my job roles and responsibilities to maintain a high standard of quality care. Promote and maintain a good standard of care, I also ensure that the service users are able to practice their charter of rights, for example: Choice The right to make choices about their own lifestyle, and to excercise that choice and independence whenever possible. Dignity and Individuality The right to be shown respect and courtesy and to be treated as a unique and valued individual. Privacy and Confidentiality The right to choose to be alone, undisturbed, and free from intrusion, as far as possible, within the constraints of living with others in a nursing or residential care home; and the right to have all your personal information kept confidential. Complaints The right to comment and make known any concerns or complaints that you have about the home, or the company, without feeling under stress or threat. Bvii-Explain how you could influence the qualityof the service provided by; a)following the best practice within your work role; By keeping up to date with all training needed to carry out my work, by refering back to my job roles and responsibilities if unsure, ask floor manager or manager if im unsure of anything-this will ensure that I am carrying out a high standard of care to service users. b)not carrying out the requirements of your role; Residents/service users could be at risk, and if person centred approach isnt followed or the rights of the service users are taken away you could be putting them at risk of neglect and institutional abuse. Bviii-Describe how your own work must be influenced by National factors such as Codes of Practice, National Occupational Standards, Legislation and Government Initiatives. Answer-My work is directly impacted by all of the above every day. Codes of Practice and Occupational Standards form our mission, vision and values. Legislation dictates our level and quality of care. Government initiatives impact the people we serve. For example, a code of practice in action, and in a very general sense – may be staff supporting, but also providing the tools, for individuals to become more independent. Too much support, they would learn dependence. Tools alone without support, they may not understand how to use them or when to use them. Occupational Standards would be a general guide for each career within a given field, that expresses the foundational do’s and don’ts for each. Example, we would provide a minimum amount of service, documented and within the guidelines for the individual, while if we offered additional services that are needed and appropriate to the individual, that would be good. Laws protect for the most part. Most laws are based on safety. So legislation that offers greater protection for the people we serve, and laws that provide a clear expectation for staff – which if we follow judiciously, also protects us – are incorporated into all daily activities and decisions. That is protection for the individual. A person passing by an accident and offering help is protected from lawsuits by the Good Samaritan Law. So in these examples, both the individual, and the care-giver have laws that protect them. Government Initiatives – well, that’s a pretty general term as well which could also be interpreted in many different ways. Initiatives – I think of entitlement programs. Social Security, SSI, Welfare, WIC, HE AP, HUD, etc. These programs governmental initiatives provide additional support to people.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Accounting Earnings and Cash Flows

Longreach Ltd has adopted the international accounting standard and the objective of the standard in relation to the impairment of assets is prescribing the procedures to ensure that the assets are carried at not more than recoverable amount. Since the assets are described as impaired under this standard, it is required by the entity to recognize the loss arising from impairment. There are several types of assets included in the entity in both the profit and non-profit organization. Such assets are segmented into various section and those employed for carrying out the current operation are deemed as the current assets (Bevis 2013). Fixed assets on the other hand serves the entity for longer period. An entity may comprised of several intellectual assets other than current and fixed assets such as trademark, copyright assets and many more. It also comprised of assets emerged from the acquisition or due to the growing popularity among consumers are also included along with the goodwill and brand. The organization can increase its revenue by directly employing such assets. There are also intangible assets, which are not physical and cannot be measured in units. In the books of account, such assets are maintained at the amount purchased (Briloff 2013). There is a significant decline in the real value of the assets with the time. The company at the real time value applies impairment and the decreased amount is adjusted in the impairment account. Decline in the value of asset leads to loss, which is viewed as loss due to impairment. There are certain common factors applicable to the numerous assets and several factors influences the asset value. Value of machinery, equipment and several tools is based on the manufacturing capability and usage. It is viewed that the upcoming g production capability of these assets might decrease due to their increased usage in the production (Dechow 2012). The older equipment and machineries decreases in the value and eventually it becomes obsolete because of the emergence of modern machineries and equipment. The value of land gradually increase due to various factors such as over population, new cities emergence and transformation of the locality. Due to the alterations in the choice of consumers and modern technology emergence, the trademark along with the patent right tends to fall in value. Goodwill is falsified in the event of acquiring any acquisition and it serves as an additional value (Gray et al. 2013). The goodwill imbibed in purchasing the assets falls significantly when there is the reduction in the value of the assets. There is need to the financial report as per the requirement of the stakeholders because the stakeholders have different interest over the organization. Government and the accounting standards signifies huge importance in the interest of shareholders. It is desired by the stakeholders that financial reports must represent the true and fair value of the asset and liabilities of the listed companies. Due to the emergence of the modern machineries at the lower price, the market value of the machineries has turned out to be half of the real value cost. There can be the case when the organization has acquired the machinery before five years. If the cost price of certain machinery is presented in the financial report, it would indicate that the asset are overvalued. This would not represents the true and fair value of the assets. Valuing the assets of the organization are considered an efficient investment option by the shareholders (Maas et al. 2016). Shareholders of the company may take faulty investment decision if the shareholders rely their investment decisions on the overvalued financial statements, if the organization does not represents the fair and true value of the assets. The accounting board for gaining the shareholders interest has introduced the impairment concept. Introduction of the government policies and the accounting standards outlines the instruction for the impairment of the assets along with the general financial statements. When the carrying amount of the assets exceed the recoverable amount, it is required to carry out the test of impairment at that time. In the books of accounts of the assets, the carrying amount is recorded. The purchasing cost of the assets represents such amount and it is depreciated in relation to the appropriate technique of depreciation (Huian 2013). The asset fair value can be selected as the amount recovered after all the anticipated expenses of the assets are reduced by the organization. Asset value can be regarded as another recoverable amount. The net cash flow of the entity anticipated to be collected from the assets is referred to as the value. The higher value among the two can be chosen in accordance with the IAS 36. If we consider IAS 36, the loss arising from the impairment is measured by reducing the recoverable amount of assets from their carrying amount ( 2017). Since the book value of the asset is reduced, the impairment loss attributed to the respective assets are debited. In addition to this, the maintenance of the accounting amount of the assets has decreased the value. Such impairment loss is adjusted in the income statement in the year-end along with the profit and loss account. The loss is representing as the non-operating loss in the income statement. The overall value of the shareholder is decrea sed if the impairment loss is credited in the revaluation surplus account. In case of the assets that are generally considered as the Cash Generating Units that encompasses the goodwill, which has resulted from the acquisition of the assets. The impairment loss is not adjusted accordingly in this case. The impairment loss can be calculated as per the aforementioned method if the overall value of the cash-generating unit requires being impaired. Moreover, the loss is adjusted with the Goodwill account. In the event of making adjustment with the goodwill, certain amount is left, and then the remaining amount is aligned with the CGU assets (Rappaport 2012). This is relied on the book value of the assets. (2017). Available at: [Accessed 18 Jan. 2017]. Bevis, H.W., 2013.  Corporate Financial Accounting in a Competitive Economy (RLE Accounting). Routledge. Briloff, A.J., 2013.  The truth about corporate accounting. Harpercollins. Dechow, P.M., 2012. Accounting earnings and cash flows as measures of firm performance: The role of accounting accruals.  Journal of accounting and economics,  18(1), pp.3-42. Gray, R., Owen, D. and Adams, C., 2013.  Accounting & accountability: changes and challenges in corporate social and environmental reporting. Prentice Hall. Huian, M., 2013. Stakeholder’s participation in the development of the new accounting rules regarding the impairment of financial assets.  Business Management Dynamics,  2(9), pp.23-35. Maas, K., Schaltegger, S. and Crutzen, N., 2016. Integrating corporate sustainability assessment, management accounting, control, and reporting.  Journal of Cleaner Production. Paton, W.A. and Littleton, A.C., 2012.  An introduction to corporate accounting standards  (No. 3). American Accounting Association. Rappaport, A., 2012. Establishing objectives for published corporate accounting reports.  The Accounting Review,  39(4), pp.951-962. Rennekamp, K., Rupar, K.K. and Seybert, N., 2014. Impaired judgment: The effects of asset impairment reversibility and cognitive dissonance on future investment.  The Accounting Review,  90(2), pp.739-759.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Acer Company Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Acer Company Marketing - Case Study Example It is of considerable importance to highlight the fact that the paradox related to the company’s focus on the global and local markets is part of company’s long terms strategy. It is relevant to mention that during the middle of the 90’s period, the company was facing issues of depreciating sales in the markets of the United States. Significant analysis by the company in regards to the causes associated with the slowdown in sales resulted in a strategic change of the company. The top management of Acer realized that for the purpose of entering the foreign markets of United States, it is very essential to develop a significant strong hold in the local Chinese market, which can be viewed as the company’s home turf. Also, the management realized that by catering to the local market, Acer will be able to leverage significant advantages in regards to economies of scale, which will thus make it viable for the company to focus on the process of introducing innova tion to its products (Keegan and Green, 2009, p. 80). Finally in a closing note, it can be specified that the company realized that by adding innovation to its product offerings, Acer will be able to squeeze out significant edge in regards to the offerings of the local players of the US market, thereby making it possible for the company to achieve a high sales turnover from the market of the United States.It has to be said that the company faced depreciating sales in the period of 1995-97, which resulted in fall of market share in the US.... It is relevant to mention that during the middle of the 90’s period, the company was facing issues of depreciating sales in the markets of the United States. Significant analysis by the company in regards to the causes associated with the slowdown in sales resulted in a strategic change of the company. The top management of Acer realized that for the purpose of entering the foreign markets of United States, it is very essential to develop a significant strong hold in the local Chinese market, which can be viewed as the company’s home turf. Also, the management realized that by catering to the local market, Acer will be able to leverage significant advantages in regards to economies of scale, which will thus make it viable for the company to focus on the process of introducing innovation to its products (Keegan and Green, 2009, p. 80). Finally in a closing note, it can be specified that the company realized that by adding innovation to its product offerings, Acer will be able to squeeze out significant edge in regards to the offerings of the local players of the US market, thereby making it possible for the company to achieve a high sales turnover from the market of the United States. 3. It has to be said that the company faced depreciating sales in the period of 1995-97, which resulted in fall of market share in the United States. As a counter measure, significant amount of strategic changes were introduced within the company’s business process. As a part of the strategic change, the market focus of the company was shifted to the local market of China, which is fast growing in nature. By trying to cater to the market of China, the company Acer tried to leverage the benefits associated with economies of scale, as well as tremendous availability of high

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Operation Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Operation Management - Case Study Example In broad-spectrum, Operations Management endeavors to enhance the substance of value-infused ventures in a particular process. Essentially, the value-infusing resourceful ventures ought to be combined with market prospect for the best possible business performance. Traveling is in the contemporary world a major element or part of an institute's management. Based on this, major airlines constitute a vital importance in the achievements of enterprises or institutions around the globe. Enterprises are capable of widening their markets by journeying to various regions by means of airlines. The significance of airlines informs this essays' appraisal of British Airways public limited company in the present fiscal environment. It guides us to appraise their overall business plans and strategies in a bid to improve their management. This essay aspires to discuss the operations management of the British Airline and evaluates its efficiency in the Airline industry. British Airways is the biggest airline company in the United Kingdom. It has comparatively many flights across the Atlantic Ocean than any other airline and makes in excess of 550 trips to 130 or more countries internationally. British Airways is in p... British Airways has large and modern fleets in operation comprising Boeing 747-400, Boeing 777-200, Boeing 767-300, Boeing 757-200, Boeing 737-400 and the Airbus A391/ A320/ A321. It as well has CityFlyer fleet (RJ100) and OpenSkies Boeing 757-200. The British Airways offers various flight classes for the passengers. It offers the First class service, the Business class (club world and club Europe), The Premium economy class (World Traveler Plus) and the Economy class (World Traveler, Euro Traveler and UK Domestic). The airline operates assorted kinds of lounges for travelers using premium cabins and clients with class. The Concorde Room in The JFK New York Terminal 7 was revamped to similar standards as the one at Heathrow's Terminal 5A. The Galleries First lounges replaced the previous First Lounges. The Galleries Club lounges as well replaced the Terraces and Executive Club lounges. At the airports that British Airways does not run departure lounges, the airway provides "third party" lounges for first-class travelers. British Airways runs the British Airways World Cargo. The Subsidiary cargo handling facility has worldwide freight prospects that avails the British Airways World Cargo the opening to provide service to shipment destinations not accessible in the normal passenger routes. The Airline also offers flier programs for its customers, the Executive Club being its major programme. Affiliate passengers get full access to lounges and reservation lines. The other programme is the Premier programme that offers relatively more benefits to subscribed members, and the British Airways board signs up the members of this scheme. Problems British Airways is experiencing considerable fiscal meltdown. Its revenue nose-dived by a gigantic 20 percent. The high

How is war understood in the Realist theoretical tradition Outline

How is war understood in the Realist theoretical tradition - Outline Example It is established in this analysis that the Realist theoretical tradition has been the most pertinent theoretical perspective on the subject of war and conflict in the post-Cold War order in the world. Realism is one of the most important positivist theories which focus on state security and power Introduction The end of Cold War brought about an inevitable focus on the concept of war and conflict in the study of international relations and several significant theoretical perspectives emerged. It is essential to realize that the realist, liberal, and radical traditions have been the most significant theoretical perspectives dealing with war and conflict in the international relations theory. Significantly, the realist theoretical tradition of war maintains that there is an enduring propensity for conflict between states in the international relations, whereas the liberal theoretical tradition identifies various ways to alleviate the conflictive tendencies and the radical theoretical tradition emphasizes on the of transformation of the entire system of state relations. As Little and Smith (2006) maintain, the realist theoretical tradition was the most dominant theoretical perspective all through the Cold War. ... ures of the American-Soviet rivalry.†1 It is pertinent to establish that state security and power above other states are the essential components of the realist theoretical tradition regarding war and conflict. Significantly, realism is not a single theory and it has several classifications which evolved considerably during the Cold War period. In an examination of how war is understood in the realist theoretical tradition, it becomes evident that the intellectual construct called ‘realism’ focuses on international anarchy, insecurity, and the state, and it provides an effective way to deal with the contemporary world politics. As it remains the overriding paradigm in the study of international relations, it is fundamental to analyze how the realist theoretical tradition explains war. Significantly, the realist theoretical tradition relies heavily on the structure of the international system or the distribution of power as the major element in explaining foreign po licies and international outcomes. â€Å"If realism provides a worthwhile explanatory framework, then propositions derived from it should yield insights about state strategies and behavior in light of this shift in the global distribution of power†¦ Realism remains a powerful and valuable explanatory framework, the end of the Cold War notwithstanding.†2 Therefore, it is important to recognize that the role of the realist theoretical tradition remains unquestioned even in the contemporary international relations and world politics, and an analysis of the realist interpretation of the concept of war is most warranted. Scope of the Study In a world threatened by the realities of war in spite of the existence of several theoretical frameworks for international relations, it is fundamental to be aware of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Warsaw Pact and International Relations Research Paper

The Warsaw Pact and International Relations - Research Paper Example With time the concept of International relations became too wide and had to be studied on a broad point of view. In fact, in the latter centuries, the field had to include the presence of diplomats to intervene in cases that were of importance between the countries or related parties. In the case of this essay, International relations will be highlighted in the context of examining the Warsaw Pact, in an endeavor to look at the reasons behind the formation of the same and the implications on global issues. The Warsaw Pact can only be understood on an international relations point of view, by assessing the states and organizations that were implicated by this agreement and the results that emanated from signing the agreement by the involved parties. The essay shall also aim at assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the agreement on an International relations point of view and if its existence was of importance or was just a formality among the involved stakeholders. The Warsaw Pact dates back to May 1955, with its founding members having the idea, that it would be beneficial if they founded a counteractive move on the North Atlantic Alliance. The major proponents of the organization include the USSR, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Albania. These members had the idea that, for stability to be achieved in Europe, it would be of great importance to come up with an organization that would match the activities and powers of North Atlantic Alliance that was to be the Warsaw Pact Organization. ... he idea that, for stability to be achieved in Europe, it would be of great importance to come up with an organization that would match the activities and powers of North Atlantic Alliance that was to be the Warsaw Pact Organization. However, on another angle, analysts argue that the formation of the Warsaw Pact Organization was of no match to NATO. The major drawbacks that Warsaw Pact faced have a great relationship with breaching the stipulations of the organization’s rules. In relation to this work, nevertheless it is vital to make plain of the fact that, in times of disparities in Europe, the Warsaw Pact played a major role in breaking the barriers that saw NATO almost enjoy total dominance in Europe. In fact, other analysts regard to the Warsaw pact as a form of a stabilizer that came in at the right time in the global arena. On another angle, it was in February, 1991 that the members of the Warsaw Pact decided to come together to come up with a permanent solution in regar d to the issue on Cold War. However, as Windsor (pp.105) indicates, USSR had worked towards anticipation of a withdrawing from the Warsaw Pact. With this held at Budapest, it is evident that there were numerous attempts by the concerned stakeholders to come up with a final decision regarding the dominion of USSR in Europe. This relates to the concept of International relations that related to the aspect of the need to come up with a long lasting solution that would allow the states have peaceful coexistence in the continent. Without the incorporation of meetings by the concerned parties, it is almost impossible for persons to coexist in the society. This explains the reasons behind then setting up of the Warsaw Pact. On another angle, the Warsaw Pact can be indicated to be one of the measures

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

International Marketing - Essay Example Luxottica should promote the concept of individualism through its promotional campaigns. This concept of individualism includes three classes of young generations, namely children, young people and young parents. For every group belonging to this young generation lot, Luxottica has something exclusive to offer in the form of a wide range of its optical products with a blend of local preferences. Thus it can be implied that Luxottica’s product strategy should largely based on the consumer behavior while keeping in view the cultural norms and market conditions prevailing in different countries of the world (Scruton 2007). Price setting Strategies Setting price of a product is determined by many factors and these factors may vary across different regions. Apart from the fact that the manufacturers costs of bringing a product into a useable form plays a decisive role in setting the price of a product, there are many other factors which are not under the control of the manufacturer . First of all, consumer behavior plays a significant and leading role in determining the price of a product. In countries where the income levels of people in general are not high, price plays the most important role in determining the success of a product or sometimes of a business as a whole. Consumers’ preferences for expenditures on any product are not necessarily influenced by its usefulness, quality and branding; the ability to pay for a product and the satisfaction which the use of a product yields are regarded as major factors responsible for the success of a product. Apart from this, the social and cultural norms prevailing in a society have a... This report stresses that considering the market data provided by the case study of Luxottica, it is imperative that franchising the business would lead Luxottica to reduced control over the sales and distribution network. Franchising the business would not only cause ambiguity in the supply chain management but also increases the costs involved in making the product available for the customers. Presenting auctions for franchising and continuous management of franchised business is considered to be a costly initiative by a business. This paper makes a conclusion that the company may look for and implement alternative distribution strategies which offer some new avenues and can attract people from all over the globe. In this regard, it is recommended that the company shall add to its existing distribution channels an online distribution source or platform, form where the company can interact with the whole world through the World Wide Web and this approach will add a complete new dimension in the existing distribution channels for the company. The major benefits of distributing through online platform are that it is cost effective and is able to attract large number of consumers due its omnipresence on the globe. Moreover, the company may find it relatively easy to control its distribution activities through online channels as compared to the existing channels of distributing its products. Thus, online distribution channel can be recommended as an alternative distribution channel for Luxottica.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The threat posed to the United States by nuclear terrorism from Al Essay

The threat posed to the United States by nuclear terrorism from Al Qaeda - Essay Example The capacity of international terrorism to generate impressive fear and bring about violent damage to a state became really obvious on September 11, 2001. The acts performed by terrorists demonstrated that terrorists are able to effect devastation and death. Adam D. Schiff, a member of the Committee on International Relations explained in the Hearing that "the failure to stop 9/11, if such a thing was even possible, was not a result of bad intelligence or ill will by officials of one Administration or those of another; it was, I think, a failure to imagine that such a thing was even possible" (3). Everyone knew about the grave danger of Al-Qaeda even before September 11, 2001, but countries from all over the world soundly responded its acts only after the outrageous events of that fatal day. The result brought not only to enlisting the efforts of law enforcement bodies to wage war against the violent terrorism but also to a transformation of the peoples and their fully engaging in th is war. Less than in a month practical results appeared. Coalition forces deprived Al-Qaeda of a well-known shelter, obliterating the Taliban in Afghanistan. In examining current potentialities of this terrorist organization, there is a point of view that Al-Qaeda can't be considered such global Islamic terrorist danger as they were on September 11, 2001. The reason is that U.S. and allied counter efforts have exhausted Al Qaeda's central governing structure and abilities to the level where Al Qaeda serves more as inspiration than a real terrorism planning and implementation center. According to this point of view, the menace from Al Qaeda has been displaced by the menace from groups that support Al Qaeda's ideology but don't have a proper contact with remaining Al Qaeda leaders. Thus the same violent acts are unlikely to happen as the situation demands an accurate and proper cooperation (Katzman 1). According to an alternative view a great number of Islamic militant cells have a close contact with Al Qaeda leaders and go on to perform their terrorist actions. Richard Clarke in the Hearing before the Subcommittee of International Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Human Rights of the Committee on International Relations describes Al Qaeda's network like: "a mythic hydra, where one head is lopped off, two more emerge from the bloody neck" (3). Taking into account this point of view Al-Qaeda even today is an evil force of great concern in the USA and in the whole world. It has been reorganized preparing newcomers with the help of new means and methods, posing again a threat on the USA as well as its allies (Gunaratna 23). Jack Boureston and Charles Mahaffey in their article called Al-Qaeda and Mass Casualty Terrorism: Assessing the Threat mention that Al-Qaeda doesn't represent a single organization, as it's a confederation of terrorist organizational network with members in over than 40 countries, among which is the USA. The head of intelligence service of Germany assessed that Al-Qaeda consists of approximately 70,000 people all over the world, tens of thousands of which are training at al-Qaeda camps in the Sudan, Yemen, and Afghanistan. There are three common features for all of them: their Muslim faith, a bitter contempt for Western countries and hence a hard determination to maim innocent

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Developmental Psych Core Questions Essay Example for Free

Developmental Psych Core Questions Essay Core Chapter Learning Objectives for PSY 104 Developmental Psychology 1. Explain the role of theories in understanding human development, and describe three basic issues on which major theories take a stand. (pp. 5–7) 2. Describe recent theoretical perspectives on human development, noting the contributions of major theorists. (pp. 21–26) 3. Identify the stand that each contemporary theory takes on the three basic issues presented earlier in this chapter. (pp. 26, 27) 4. Describe the research methods commonly used to study human development, citing the strengths and limitations of each. (pp. 26–31) 5. Describe three research designs for studying development, and cite the strengths and limitations of each. (pp. 34–38) 6. Discuss ethical issues related to lifespan research. (pp. 39–40) Chapter 2 1. Explain the role and function of genes and how they are transmitted from one generation to the next. (p. 46) 2. Describe the genetic events that determine the sex of the new organism. (pp. 46–47) 3. Identify two types of twins, and explain how each is created. (pp. 47–48) 4. Describe various patterns of genetic inheritance. (pp. 48–52) 5. Describe major chromosomal abnormalities, and explain how they occur. (pp. 52–53) 6. Explain how reproductive procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children. (pp. 53–57) 7. Describe the social systems perspective on family functioning, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. (pp. 59–60) 8. Discuss the impact of socioeconomic status and poverty on family functioning. (pp. 60–63) 9. Summarize the roles of neighborhoods, towns, and cities in the lives of children and adults. (pp. 63–65) 10. Explain how cultural values and pract ices, public policies, and political and economic conditions affect human development. (pp. 65–70) 11. Explain the various ways heredity and environment can influence complex traits. (p. 70) 12. Describe concepts that indicate â€Å"how† heredity and environment work together to influence complex human characteristics. (pp. 72–74) Chapter 3 1. List the three phases of prenatal development, and describe the major milestones of each. (pp. 80–85) 2. Define the term teratogen, and summarize the factors that affect the impact of teratogens on prenatal development. (pp. 85–86) 3. List agents known or suspected of being teratogens, and discuss evidence supporting the harmful impact of each.(pp. 86–93) 4. Discuss other maternal factors that can affect the developing embryo or fetus. (pp. 93–95) 5. Describe the three stages of childbirth. (pp. 96–97) 6. Discuss the baby’s adaptation to labor and delivery, and describe the appearance of the newborn baby. (pp. 97–98) 7. Describe natural childbirth and home delivery, noting the benefits and concerns associated with each. (pp. 99–100) 8. List common medical interventions during childbirth, circumstances that justify their use, and any dangers associated with each. (pp. 100–101) 9. Describe the risks associated with prete rm and small-for-date births, along with factors that help infants who survive a traumatic birth recover. (pp. 101–106) 10. Describe the newborn baby’s reflexes and states of arousal, including sleep characteristics and ways to soothe a crying baby. (pp. 106–111) 11. Describe the newborn baby’s sensory capacities. (pp. 111–113) 12. Explain the usefulness of neonatal behavioral assessment. (pp. 113–114) Chapter 4 1. Describe major changes in body growth over the first 2 years. (pp. 120–121) 2. Summarize changes in brain development during infancy and toddlerhood. (pp. 121–129) 3. Describe the development of the cerebral cortex, and explain the concepts of brain lateralization and brain plasticity (pp. 124–125, 126) 4. Describe how both heredity and early experience contribute to brain organization. (pp. 125, 127–128) 5. Discuss changes in the organization of sleep and wakefulness over the first 2 years. (pp. 128–129) 6. Discuss the nutritional needs of infants and toddlers, the advantages of breastfeeding, and the extent to which chubby babies are at risk for later overweight and obesity. (pp. 130–131) 7. Summarize the impact of severe malnutrition on the development of infants and toddlers, and cite two dietary diseases associated with this condition. (p. 132) 8. Describe the growth disorder known as nonorganic failure to thrive, noting symptoms and family circumstances associated with the disorder. (pp. 132–133) 9. Describe four infant learning capacities, the conditions under which they occur, and the unique value of each. (pp. 133–136) 10. Describe the general course of motor development during the first 2 years, along with factors that influence it. (pp. 137–138) 11. Explain dynamic systems theory of motor development (pp. 138–140) 12. Discuss changes in hearing, depth and pattern perception, and intermodal perception that occur during infancy. (pp. 140–147) 13. Explain differentiation theory of perceptual development. (pp. 147–148) Chapter 5 1. Describe how schemes change over the course of development. (p. 152) 2. Identify Piaget’s six sensorimotor substages, and describe the major cognitive achievements of the sensorimotor stage. (pp. 153–155) 3. Discuss recent research on sensorimotor development, noting its implications for the accuracy of Piaget’s sensorimotor stage. (pp. 155–160) 4. Describe the information-processing view of cognitive development and the general structure of the information-processing system. (pp. 160–162) 5. Cite changes in attention, memory, and categorization during the first 2 years. (pp. 162–165) 6. Describe contributions and limitations of the information-processing approach, and explain how it contributes to our understanding of early cognitive development. (p. 165) 7. Explain how Vygotsky’s concept of the zone of proximal development expands our understanding of early cognitive development. (pp. 165–166, 167) 8. Describe the mental te sting approach and the extent to which infant tests predict later performance. (pp. 166, 168–169) 9. Discuss environmental influences on early mental development, including home, child care, and early intervention for at-risk infants and toddlers. (pp. 169–172) 10. Describe theories of language development, and indicate how much emphasis each places on innate abilities and environmental influences. (pp. 172–174) 11. Describe major milestones of language development in the first 2 years, noting individual differences, and discuss ways in which adults can support infants’ and toddlers’ emerging capacities. (pp. 174–179) Chapter 6 1. Discuss personality changes in the first two stages of Erikson’s psychosocial theory—basic trust versus mistrust and autonomy versus shame and doubt. (pp. 184–185) 2. Describe changes in the expression of happiness, anger and sadness, and fear over the first year, noting the adaptive function of each. (pp. 185–188) 3. Summarize changes during the first two years in understanding others’ emotions and expression of self-conscious emotions. (pp. 188–189) 4. Trace the development of emotional self-regulation during the first 2 years. (pp. 189–190) 5. Describe temperament, and identify the three temperamental styles elaborated by Thomas and Chess. (pp. 190–191) 6. Compare Thomas and Chess’s model of temperament with that of Rothbart. (p. 191) 7. Explain how temperament is assessed, and distinguish inhibited, or shy, children from uninhibited, or sociable, children. (pp. 191–193) 8. Discuss the stability of temperament and the role of heredity and environment in the development of temperamen t. (pp. 193–194) 9. Summarize the goodness-of-fit model. (pp. 194–195) 10. Describe Bowlby’s ethological theory of attachment, and trace the development of attachment during the first two years. (pp. 196–198) 11. Describe the Strange Situation and Attachment Q-Sort procedures for measuring attachment, along with the four patterns of attachment that have been identified using the Strange Situation. (pp. 198–199) 12. Discuss the factors that affect attachment security, including opportunity for attachment, quality of caregiving, infant characteristics, family circumstances, and parents’ internal working models. (pp. 200–202, 203) 13. Discuss fathers’ attachment relationships with their infants, and explain the role of early attachment quality in later development. (pp. 202, 204–205) 14. Describe and interpret the relationship between secure attachment in infancy and later development. (pp. 205–206) 15. Trace the emergence of self-awareness, and explain how it influences early emotional and social dev elopment, categorization of the self, and development of self-control. (pp. 206–209) Chapter 7 1. Describe major trends in body growth during early childhood. (pp. 216–217) 2. Discuss brain development in early childhood, including handedness and changes in the cerebellum, reticular formation, and the corpus callosum. (pp. 217–219) 3. Explain how heredity influences physical growth by controlling the production of hormones. (p. 219) 4. Describe the effects of emotional well-being, nutrition, and infectious disease on physical development. (pp. 219–222) 5. Summarize factors that increase the risk of unintentional injuries, and cite ways childhood injuries can be prevented. (pp. 222–223) 6. Cite major milestones of gross- and fine-motor development in early childhood, including individual and sex differences. (pp. 224–227) 7. Describe advances in mental representation during the preschool years. (pp. 227–229) 8. Describe limitations of preoperational thought, and summarize the implications of recent research for the accuracy of the preoperational stage. (pp. 229–233) 9. Describe educational principles derived from Piaget’s theory. (pp. 233–234) 10. Describe Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s views on the development and sign ificance of children’s private speech, along with related evidence. (pp. 234–235) 11. Discuss applications of Vygotsky’s theory to education, and summarize challenges to his ideas. (pp. 235–237) 12. Describe changes in attention and memory during early childhood. (pp. 237–239) 13. Describe the young child’s theory of mind. (pp. 239–241) 14. Summarize children’s literacy and mathematical knowledge during early childhood. (pp. 241–243) 15. Describe early childhood intelligence tests and the impact of home, educational programs, child care, and media on mental development in early childhood. (pp. 243–248) 16. Trace the development of vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills in early childhood. (pp. 248–251) Chapter 8 1. Describe Erikson’s stage of initiative versus guilt, noting major personality changes of early childhood. (p. 256) 2. Discuss preschoolers’ self-understanding, including characteristics of self-concepts and the emergence of self-esteem. (pp. 256–258) 3. Cite changes in the understanding and expression of emotion during early childhood, along with factors that influence those changes. (pp. 258–259) 4. Explain how language and temperament contribute to the development of emotional self-regulation during the preschool years. (p. 259) 5. Discuss the development of self-conscious emotions, empathy, sympathy, and prosocial behavior during early childhood, noting the influence of parenting. (pp. 259–261) 6. Describe advances in peer sociability and in friendship in early childhood, along with cultural and parental influences on early peer relations. (pp. 261–264) 7. Compare psychoanalytic, social learning, and cognitive-developmental approaches to moral development, and cite child-rearing practices that support or undermine moral understanding. (pp. 264–269) 8. Describe the development of aggression in early childhood, noting the influences of family and television, and cite strategies for controlling aggressive behavior. (pp. 269–272) 9. Discuss genetic and environmental influences on preschoolers’ gender-stereotyped beliefs and behavior. (pp. 273–276) 10. Describe and evaluate the accuracy of major theories of gender identity, including ways to reduce gender stereotyping in young children. (pp. 276–278) 11. Describe the impact of child-rearing styles on child development, explain why authoritative parenting is effective, and note cultural variations in child-rearing beliefs and practices. (pp. 278–281) 12. Discuss the multiple origins of child maltreatment, its consequences for development, and effective prevention. (pp. 281–283) Chapter 9 1. Describe major trends in body growth during middle childhood. (p. 290) 2. Identify common vision and hearing problems in middle childhood. (p. 291) 3. Describe the causes and consequences of serious nutritional problems in middle childhood, giving special attention to obesity. (pp. 291–293) 4. Identify factors that contribute to illness during the school years, and describe ways to reduce these health problems. (pp. 293–294) 5. Describe changes in unintentional injuries in middle childhood. (p. 294) 6. Cite major changes in motor development and play during middle childhood, including sex differences and the importance of physical education. (pp. 294–299) 7. Describe major characteristics of concrete operational thought. (pp. 299–301) 8. Discuss follow-up research on concrete operational thought, noting the importance of culture and schooling.(pp. 301–302) 9. Cite basic changes in information processing and describe the development of attention and memory in middle childhood. (pp. 303–305) 10. Describe the school-age child’s theory of mind, noting the importance of mental inferences and understanding of false belief and capacity to engage in self-regulation. (pp. 306–307) 11. Discuss applications of information processing to academic learning, including current controversies in teaching reading and mathematics to elementary school children. (pp. 307–309) 12. Describe major approaches to defining and measuring intelligence. (pp. 309–310) 13. Summarize Sternberg’s triarchic theory and Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, noting how these theories explain the limitations of current intelligence tests in assessing the diversity of human intelligence. (pp. 310–312) 14. Describe evidence indicating that both heredity and environment contribute to intelligence. (pp. 312–317) 15. Summarize findings on emotional intelligence, including implications for the classroom. (p. 313) 16. Describe change s in school-age children’s vocabulary, grammar, and pragmatics, and cite advantages of bilingualism. (pp. 316–319) 17. Explain the impact of class size and educational philosophies on children’s motivation and academic achievement. (pp. 319–321) 18. Discuss the role of teacher-student interaction and grouping practices in academic achievement. (pp. 321–322) 19. Explain the conditions that contribute to successful placement of children with mild mental retardation and learning disabilities in regular classrooms. (p. 322) 20. Describe the characteristics of gifted children, including creativity and talent, and current efforts to meet their educational needs. (pp. 323–324) 21. Compare the academic achievement of North American children with children in other industrialized nations. (pp. 324–325) Chapter 10 1. Describe Erikson’s stage of industry versus inferiority, noting major personality changes in middle childhood. (p. 330) 2. Describe school-age children’s self-concept and self-esteem, and discuss factors that affect their achievement-related attributions. (pp. 330–334) 3. Cite changes in understanding and expression of emotion in middle childhood, including the importance of problem-centered coping and emotion-centered coping for managing emotion. (pp. 335–336) 4. Trace the development of perspective taking in middle childhood, and discuss the relationship between perspective taking and social skills. (pp. 336–337) 5. Describe changes in moral understanding during middle childhood, and note the extent to which children hold racial and ethnic biases. (pp. 337–339) 6. Summarize changes in peer sociability during middle childhood, including characteristics of peer groups and friendships. (pp. 339–341) 7. Describe four categories of peer acceptance, noting how each is related to social behavior, and discuss ways to help rejected children. (pp. 341–342, 343) 8. Describe changes in gender-stereotyped beliefs and gender identity during middle childhood, including sex differences and cultural influences. (pp. 342–345) 9. Discuss changes in parent–child communication and sibling relationships in middle childhood, and describe the adjustment of only children. (pp. 345–346) 10. Discuss factors that influence children’s adjustment to di vorce and blended families, highlighting the importance of parent and child characteristics, as well as social supports within the family and surrounding community. (pp. 347–350) 11. Explain how maternal employment and life in dual-earner families affect school-age children, noting the influence of social supports within the family and surrounding community, including child care for school-age children. (pp. 350–351) 12. Cite common fears and anxieties in middle childhood, with particular attention to school phobia. (pp. 352, 353) 13. Discuss factors related to child sexual abuse and its consequences for children’s development. (pp. 352–354, 355) 14. Cite factors that foster resilience in middle childhood. (p. 354) Chapter 11 1. Discuss changing conceptions of adolescence over the past century. (pp. 362–363) 2. Describe pubertal changes in body size, proportions, sleep patterns, motor performance, and sexual maturity. (pp. 363–366) 3. Cite factors that influence the timing of puberty. (pp. 366–367) 4. Describe brain development in adolescence. (pp. 367–368) 5. Discuss adolescents’ reactions to the physical changes of puberty, including sex differences, and describe the influence of family and culture. (pp. 368–370) 6. Discuss the impact of pubertal timing on adolescent adjustment, noting sex differences. (pp. 370–371) 7. Describe the nutritional needs of adolescents, and cite factors that contribute to serious eating disorders. (pp. 371–373) 8. Discuss social and cultural influences on adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior. (pp. 373–376) 9. Describe factors involved in the development of gay, lesbian, and bisexual orientations, and discuss the unique adjustment problems of these youths. (pp. 376, 377) 10. Discuss factors related to sexually transmitted diseases and to teenage pregnancy and parenthood, including interventions for adolescent parents. (pp. 376, 378–380) 11. Cite personal and social factors that contribute to adolescent substance use and abuse, and describe prevention and treatment programs. (pp. 380–382) 12. Describe the major characteristics of formal operational thought. (pp. 382–384) 13. Discuss recent research on formal operational thought and its implications for the accuracy of Piaget’s formal operat ional stage. (pp. 384–385) 14. Explain how information-processing researchers account for cognitive change in adolescence, emphasizing the development of scientific reasoning. (pp. 385–386) 15. Summarize cognitive and behavioral consequences of adolescents’ newfound capacity for advanced thinking. (pp. 386–388) 16. Note sex differences in mental abilities at adolescence, along with biological and environmental factors that influence them. (pp. 389–390, 391) 17. Discuss the impact of school transitions on adolescent adjustment, and cite ways to ease the strain of these changes. (pp. 390, 392–393) 18. Discuss family, peer, school, and employment influences on academic achievement during adolescence. (pp. 393–395) 19. Describe personal, family, and school factors related to dropping out, and cite ways to prevent early school leaving. (pp. 396–397) Chapter 12 1. Discuss Erikson’s theory of identity development. (p. 402) 2. Describe changes in self-concept and self-esteem during adolescence. (pp. 402–403) 3. Describe the four identity statuses, the adjustment outcomes of each status, and factors that promote identity development. (pp. 403–406) 4. Discuss Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, and evaluate its accuracy. (pp. 407–409) 5. Summarize research on Gilligan’s claim that Kohlberg’s theory underestimated the moral maturity of females. (pp. 409–410) 6. Describe influences on moral reasoning and its relationship to moral behavior. (pp. 410–414) 7. Explain why early adolescence is a period of gender intensification, and cite factors that promote the development of an androgynous gender identity. (pp. 414–415) 8. Discuss changes in parent–child and sibling relationships during adolescence. (pp. 415–417) 9. Describe adolescent friendships, peer groups, and dating relationships and their consequences for development. (pp. 417–421) 10. Discuss conformity to peer pressure in adolescence, noting the importance of authoritative child rearing. (p. 421) 11. Discuss factors related to adolescent depression and suicide, along with approaches for prevention and treatment. (pp. 421–423) 12. Summarize factors related to delinquency, and describe strategies for prevention and treatment. (pp. 423–426) Chapter 13 1. Describe current theories of biological aging, including those at the level of DNA and body cells, and those at the level of organs and tissues. (pp. 432–434) 2. Describe the physical changes of aging, paying special attention to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, motor performance, the immune system, and reproductive capacity. (pp. 434–438) 3. Describe the impact of SES, nutrition, obesity, and exercise on health in adulthood. (pp. 438–444) 4. Describe trends in substance abuse in early adulthood, and discuss the health risks of each. (pp. 444–445) 5. Summarize sexual attitudes and behaviors in young adults, including sexual orientation, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual coercion, and premenstrual syndrome. (pp. 445–449) 6. Explain how psychological stress affects health. (pp. 449–451) 7. Summarize prominent theories on the restructuring of thought in adulthood, including those of Perry and Labouvie-Vief. (pp. 451–453) 8. Discuss the development of expertise and creativity in adulthood. (pp. 453–454) 9. Describe the impact of a college education on young people’s lives, and discuss the problem of dropping out.(pp. 454–455) 10. Trace the development of vocational choice, and note factors that influence it. (pp. 455–458) 11. Discuss vocational preparation of non-college-bound young adults, including the challenges these individuals face.(pp. 458–459) Chapter 14 1. Define emerging adulthood, and explain how cultural change has contributed to the emergence of this period. (pp. 464–466) 2. Describe Erikson’s stage of intimacy versus isolation, noting personality changes that take place during early adulthood. (pp. 468–469) 3. Summarize Levinson’s and Vaillant’s psychosocial theories of adult personality development, including how they apply to both men’s and women’s lives and their limitations. (pp. 469–471) 4. Describe the social clock and how it relates to adjustment in adulthood. (p. 471) 5. Discuss factors that affect mate selection, and explain the role of romantic love in young adults’ quest for intimacy. (pp. 472, 474) 6. Explain how culture influences the experience of love. (p. 475) 7. Cite characteristics of adult friendships and sibling relationships, including differences between same-sex, other-sex, and sibling friendships. (pp. 475–476) 8. Cite factors that inf luence loneliness, and explain the role of loneliness in adult development. (pp. 476–477) 9. Trace phases of the family life cycle that are prominent in early adulthood, noting factors that influence these phases. (pp. 478–485) 10. Discuss the diversity of adult lifestyles, focusing on singlehood, cohabitation, and childlessness. (pp. 486–488) 11. Discuss trends in divorce and remarriage, along with factors that contribute to them. (pp. 488–489) 12. Summarize challenges associated with variant styles of parenthood, including stepparents, never-married single parents, and gay and lesbian parents. (pp. 489–491) 13. Describe patterns of career development, and cite difficulties faced by women, ethnic minorities, and couples seeking to combine work and family. (pp. 491–495) Chapter 15 1. Describe the physical changes of middle adulthood, paying special attention to vision, hearing, the skin, muscle–fat makeup, and the skeleton. (pp. 502–504, 505) 2. Summarize reproductive changes experienced by middle-aged men and women, and discuss the symptoms of menopause, the benefits and risks of hormone therapy, and women’s psychological reactions to menopause. (pp. 504, 506–509) 3. Discuss sexuality in middle adulthood. (p. 509) 4. Discuss cancer, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis, noting sex differences, risk factors, and interventions. (pp. 509–513) 5. Explain how hostility and anger affect health. (pp. 513–514) 6. Discuss the benefits of stress management, exercise, and an optimistic outlook in adapting to the physical challenges of midlife. (pp. 514–517) 7. Explain the double standard of aging. (p. 517) 8. Describe changes in crystallized and fluid intelligence during middle adulthood, and discuss individual and group differences in intellectual development. (pp. 518–520) 9. Describe changes in information processing in midlife, paying special attention to speed of processing, attention, and memory. (pp. 520–523) 10. Discuss the development of practical problem solving, expertise, and creativity in middle adulthood. (pp. 523–525) 11. Describe the relationship between vocational life and cognitive development. (pp. 525–526) 12. Discuss the challenges of adult learners, ways to support returning students, and benefits of earning a degree in midlife. (pp. 526–527) Chapter 16 1. Describe Erikson’s stage of generativity versus stagnation, noting major personality changes of middle adulthood and related research findings. (pp. 532–535) 2. Discuss Levinson’s and Vaillant’s views of psychosocial development in middle adulthood, noting gender similarities and differences. (pp. 535–536) 3. Summarize research examining the question of whether most middle-aged adults experience a midlife crisis.(pp. 536–537) 4. Describe stability and change in self-concept and personality in middle adulthood. (pp. 538–539) 5. Describe changes in gender identity in midlife. (pp. 540–542) 6. Discuss stability and change in the â€Å"big five† personality traits in adulthood. (pp. 542–543) 7. Describe the middle adulthood phase of the family life cycle, and discuss midlife marital relationships and relationships with adult children, grandchildren, and aging parents. (pp. 543–551) 8. Describe midlife sibling relationships and friendships. (pp. 551–553) 9. Discuss job satisfaction and career development in middle adulthood, paying special attention to gender differences and experiences of ethnic minorities. (pp. 553–555) 10. Describe career change and unemployment in middle adulthood. (p. 556) 11. Discuss the importance of planning for retirement, noting various issues that middle-aged adults should address. (pp. 556–557) Chapter 17 1. Distinguish between chronological age and functional age, and discuss changes in life expectancy over the past century. (pp. 564–566, 568–569) 2. Explain age-related changes in the nervous system during late adulthood. (pp. 566–567) 3. Summarize changes in sensory functioning during late adulthood, including vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. (pp. 567–570) 4. Describe cardiovascular, respiratory, and immune system changes in late adulthood. (pp. 570–571) 5. Discuss sleep difficulties in late adulthood. (pp. 571–572) 6. Summarize changes in physical health and mobility in late adulthood, including elders’ adaptation to the physical changes, and reactions to stereotypes of aging. (pp. 572–575, 576) 7. Discuss health and fitness in late life, paying special attention to nutrition, exercise, and sexuality. (pp. 575–579) 8. Discuss common physical disabilities in late adulthood, with special attention to arthritis, a dult-onset diabetes, and unintentional injuries. (pp. 580–582) 9. Describe mental disabilities common in late adulthood, including Alzheimer’s disease, cerebrovascular dementia, and misdiagnosed and reversible dementia. (pp. 582–588) 10. Discuss health-care issues that affect senior citizens. (pp. 589–590) 11. Describe changes in crystallized and fluid abilities in late adulthood, and explain how older adults can make the most of their cognitive resources. (pp. 590–591) 12. Summarize memory changes in late life, including implicit, associative, remote, and prospective memories. (pp. 591–594) 13. Discuss changes in language processing in late adulthood. (pp. 594–595) 14. Explain how problem solving changes in late life. (p. 595) 15. Discuss the capacities that contribute to wisdom, noting how it is affected by age and life experience. (pp. 595–596) 16. Discuss factors related to cognitive change in late adulthood. (pp. 596â€⠀œ597) Chapter 18 1. Describe Erikson’s stage of ego integrity versus despair. (p. 604) 2. Discuss Peck’s tasks of ego integrity, Joan Erikson’s gerotranscendence, and Labouvie-Vief’s emotional expertise.(pp. 604–605) 3. Describe the functions of reminiscence and life review in older adults’ lives. (pp. 606, 607) 4. Summarize stability and change in self-concept and personality in late adulthood. (pp. 606–608) 5. Discuss spirituality and religiosity in late adulthood. (pp. 608–609) 6. Discuss contextual influences on psychological well-being as older adults respond to increased dependency, declining health, and negative life changes. (pp. 609–611, 612) 7. Summarize the role of social support and social interaction in promoting physical health and psychological well-being in late adulthood. (p. 611) 8. Describe social theories of aging, including disengagement theory, activity theory, continuity theory, and socioemotional selectivity theory . (pp. 612–615, 616) 9. Describe changes in social relationships in late adulthood, including marriage, gay and lesbian partnerships, divorce, remarriage, cohabitation, and widowhood, and discuss never-married, childless older adults. (pp. 619–623) 10. Explain how sibling relationships and friendships change in late life. (pp. 624–625) 11. Describe older adults’ relationships with adult children, adult grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. (pp. 625–626) 12. Summarize elder maltreatment, including risk factors and strategies for prevention. (pp. 627–628) 13. Discuss the decision to retire, adjustment to retirement, and involvement in leisure and volunteer activities. (pp. 628–632) 14. Discuss the meaning of optimal aging. (pp. 632–633) Chapter 19 1. Describe the physical changes of dying, along with their implications for defining death and the meaning of death with dignity. (pp. 640–642) 2. Discuss age-related changes in conception of and attitudes toward death, including ways to enhance child and adolescent understanding. (pp. 642–644) 3. Cite factors that influence death anxiety, including personal and cultural variables that contribute to the fear of death. (p. 643) 4. Describe and evaluate Kà ¼bler-Ross’s theory of typical responses to dying, citing factors that influence dying patients’ responses. (pp. 647–648) 5. Evaluate the extent to which homes, hospitals, and the hospice approach meet the needs of dying people and their families. (pp. 650–653) 6. Discuss controversies surrounding euthanasia and assisted suicide. (pp. 654–659) 7. Describe bereavement and the phases of grieving, indicating factors that underlie individual variations in grief responses. (pp. 659–660) 8. Explain the concept of bereavement overload, and describe bereavement interventions. (pp. 663, 665) 9. Explain how death education can help people cope with death more effectively. (p. 665)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley | Alienation

Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley | Alienation In the story of Frankenstein, Victor, a scientific genius, created a monster known as Frankenstein. He abandons the monster as soon as he creates it. Frankenstein, the monster, experienced bad parenting growing up. No one ever taught him any manners at all. In this story, Victor and Frankenstein are both alienated by society for different reasons. The monster is rejected by society because of his terrifying physical appearance and his reactions towards people. Victor experienced alienation his entire life, when he was a child and family due to his scientific obsession. Therefore, in Frankenstein, Mary Shelley used the theme of alienation by having the two main characters, Victor and Frankenstein, alienated by society because people judged the monster based on his physical appearance and his reactions. While, Victor isolated himself from society due to his scientific experiments. Therefore, people alienated him because they thought of him as a very strange scientific maniac. As I previously mentioned, the monster was judged based on his physical appearance. As soon as everyone saw him they would start screaming in horror or run away. The monsters hideous appearance including his eight-foot long body caused people to react this way. This caused the monster to feel rage towards others. The monster would then groan in anger towards individuals. One day Frankenstein finally got to see himself in the mirror. And got surprised. Then he realized why people were so terrified by his physical appearance. This is all Victor fault because if Victor had not created him or messed up during his experiment the monster would of never have had to suffer because of this. The monsters reactions toward people also played a major role in why he was alienated. Whenever he saw how people reacted to him, he would go crazy. He would groan in a very frightening way. The monster reacted this way because of tow reason. First of all, he was rejected un fairly by society. Secondly, he felt very angry towards society. When the monster first came to life, he first saw Victor. Victor looked at him and got really scared. Then he decided to abandon the monster . The monster was raised with basically no parenting at all. He wasnt taught how to be polite or even how to act towards people. This is why the creature had no social skills at all. If the monster would have been raised with good parenting he would have been more of a human because he would of at least known how to act when others were around. The monster then began to feel confused because people didnt want to be around him. What caused him to be confused was that he had no idea why people reacted this way. He wanted to be loved. Unlike his creator he did not isolate himself from society. The monsters first experience with humans is when he meets the villagers. They threw stones at him, which aggravated him. The next experience the creature experienced was with the Dclacey family. This was the first time the monster actually wanted to be part of a certain family. The creature decided to hide because of his previous experience with humans. He was well aware that humans disliked him. As the monster was hiding, he observed the language in which they communicated, he believed it was like a godlike science, which would help him become more a human because if he could communicate like one that was a head start.. The monster continued to observe everything this family did for some time. The monster tried his best to be liked by society but failed. This made the monster come to the conclusion that he would never be accepted by humans. The creature demanded Victor to create a female companion for him. As Victor was working on this he gave up. He decided that he was no longer going to create a companion for the monster. This got the monster very angry. He got revenge by killing Elizabeth, Victors wife. As I have already stated, Victor Frankenstein also experienced alienation throughout this story. He experienced alienation from both his family and society. In Frankenstein, Victor is described as a man whos in love with science. He spent much of his time creating a monster. However, he wasnt aware of the consequences this would bring him. At the end of this story he spent much of his time trying to destroy this monster. As he tried to destroy the monster he isolated himself from society. He would always go to his lab and try to come up with other scientific creations. He regretted ever creating the monster because the monster caused him a lot of trouble. People then thought of him as some crazy scientific genius. Victors scientific views alienated him from all his surroundings. He had a very keen interest in since ever since he was a child. Him being so different from the rest of the family is what got them to alienate him. He just seemed so different and strange from the rest. As Victor was growing up, he became even more obsessed with science. This is what caused him to come up with all his crazy experiments and ideas. He decided to isolate himself from society and spend most of his time at his libratory , where he would mix all different types of chemicals and try to create new inventions. He lived his entire life this way. He had no regrets about any of this until he had created Frankenstein. That was when he had finally realized that he should of stopped all of his scientific experiments and call it quits. The monster got him more frightened then what he had ever been. As I previously mentioned, Victor refused to create a companion for Frankenstein. His reason for this was because he was afraid of making another huge mistake and having to face the consequences for his actions. However, the monster did not understand this and seeked revenge on his own creator by killing his wife Elizabeth. After the death of Elizabeth, Victor became even more scared of the monster because now he knew for a fact that the monster was capable of murdering others in order to get what he wants. Through out this story, both the creature and the creator suffer a lot because of alienation. Victor isolated himself from society. While the monster was alienated by the rest. The monster suffered more than Victor because he truly wanted to be loved. Victor just isolated himself due to obsession with scientific experimenting. The monster, on the other hand, tried his best to be part of society, but he failed and never was. Work Cited Alienation in Frankenstein copyright of website 1971,1997 Themes and Construction: Frankenstein Shelly, Mary Frankenstein published by Lackington, Hughes on 1818 Abigail Williams: Friend or Foe? Abigail Williams: Friend or Foe? Abigail Williams, a villain, is manipulative and strong willed but her weaknesses of deception and desire fuel her jealousy of Elizabeth Proctor. To some she was a close companion, her and her small entourage of sneaky young girls, stir up a lot of problems with the small but well known settlement. Back to 1692 the mischievous girls all started with a devious plot to rid elizabeth proctor from the town, abigails hatred for the mistress was enough to put the whole town on the map for witchcraft. Maybe her intentions werent as evil as they see me, but maybe they were, at first the girls and titichuba gathered in the forest for just innocent encounters maybe just to make the boy of there dreams fall for them. Abigail quickly turned to selfishness, having john proctor wouldnt be enough for her, the 17 year old girls twisted intentions were out to kill. In my opinion she definitely is the brains behind this group of attention seeking, sportin girls. She can take everything to extensive drama just to prove silly falsehoods, Most definitely a very skilled actress. Abigail williams would do anything possible to keep her name out of the equation, she definitely did not want to be the root of the trouble, selfish yes, but im sure some could argue that she just wanted to keep her and her friends out of trouble, they were aware of their punishments, maybe being whipped and spanked. In abigails eyes peoples lives were not important she was only concerned about her image. Soon after the story beings you get to see her true colors. Betty one of the youngest turns cold and ill. Abigail has no compassion for even her own so called friend. The witty girl does not care as she threatens her, she is only worried about how much trouble she is going to be in because of bettys actions, even though she is definitely the cause of all the mischievous behavior . Shut up! All of you. We danced. That is all, and mark this, if anyone breathe a word or the edge of a word about the other things, I will come to you in the black of some terrible night, and I will bring with me a pointy reckoning that will shudder you! And you know I can do it. I saw Indians smash my dear parents heads on the pillow next to mine. And I have seen some reddish work done at night. And I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down! One of my favorite abigail williams quotes, even though this is just a little preview of how cruel she can be. The girls intentions become pure, she is doi ng all of this out of despite of john proctor. To her all the townspeoples lives are just part of a big game. The character struggles to make to right decisions and think about others very self conceited. As the story continues the truths unravel and you see the real side of the girls most just devious abigail. The very famous story of the witches in salem massachusetts because more and more popular by the year. As it is all started with the girls cruel scheme to ruin the life of john proctors beloved wife, and mother to two young boys. Abbi was very envious of elizabeth because she had what she always wanted. In the end, abbi lost and so did elizabeth. John Proctor does not make it to the end of this tragic story, if only abigail would have done whatever she could in her power, because she really did have too much power for such a young girl, maybe she would have saved the poor farmer and his family. Elizabeth quickly moves on and re marries,she was a good wife and to me didnt deserve all the drama john had put her through. She lives happily ever after, unfortunately so does abigail and all her young friends. Im sure never have a remorse and sorrowful bone in her body. Over all you can tell this young girl should have never had any sort of authority in a courtroom, her evil games and cruel ways, cost a towns reputation, and her own in my opinion. By the end of the story you see that she was just the talk of the town with her affair with john proctor she was not shunned or put to shame for it though. Even a couple years later only one of all the girls choose to apologize.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lord Of The Flies - Analyzing :: essays research papers

Ralph, the first character introduced to the audience, is probably the most likable character in the entire story. Although he does not ponder such deeply like Piggy, is not as spiritual like Simon, or as energetic as Jack, there is something in him that attracts the audience. Ralph serves as the protagonist of the story. He is described as being a playful, innocent child in the beginning, but towards the end he matures significantly. In the first chapter where he takes his clothes off and goes swimming like any child would do, he seems to be Adam in the Garden of Eden, a child left to play with the nature. However, as the plot progresses, Ralph faces both internal and external conflicts; from those conflicts he greatly matures. Ralph always has the strong belief that all the children will be saved from the island sooner or later; he is so sure that he even insists that they should have fire at all times to signal. However, when the boys abandon the fire which is symbolic of Ralph’s hope of getting saved, Ralph faces an internal conflict that makes him fear about their future; perhaps they will not be rescued at all. By insisting that the children should keep the fire going, he creates an external conflict with Jack whose values are different. Jack is enjoying life as a leader of the savages, and he fears that fire will possibly end his authoritarian rule over the savages. Both conflicts are resolved when Ralph finally meets the naval officer. Ralph is one of the few boys who realize that the only way to survive is through peace and order. Because he summons the boys at the beginning of the novel with the conch he and Piggy find, they look upon him as the most responsible of the boys and elect him as a chief over the humiliated Jack. Ralph creates a stable and peaceful society for the children to live; this significantly bothers Jack because he wants to have fun and do things that he never did back in the civilized society. Jack is eventually successful of pulling nearly all of the children out of Ralph’s control to form savages. Ralph represents the civilization, and Jack represents the primitive society. Moreover, Ralph is Golding’s symbolic method of democracy. To the audience, Ralph seems like Franklin D. Roosevelt during the World War II—he was certainly capable of stopping the World War II from breaking out, but he could not force anybody thus letting the War break out.

Strategies for Reviving the Japanese Economy :: essays papers

Strategies for Reviving the Japanese Economy Introduction 1. Assessment of the Current Economy The Japanese economy has begun to show some signs of change as the effects of recent large-scale economic packages have gradually helped to stop the severe economic downturn. But despite this progress, private demand as a whole remains stagnant. Therefore, the economic prospects for self-supported recovery are still uncertain once the economic effects of the last packages have phased out. The fundamental problems pertinent to the weak economy are twofold. First, the true adjustment of the burst of the bubble economy is still insufficient. Second, against the background of the sharp decline in the number of births and the rapid aging of the population, the pace of which has not been experienced in other industrialized nations, the "Japanese system"--the engine of the country's astonishing high growth in the postwar era--has turned problematic with regard to economic growth. First, fears about employment prospects, future pension plans, and the sharp rise in government deficits are obviously restraining an economic turnaround. These fears are attributable to eroding sustainability in the Japanese-style wage and employment systems and the generous social security system. To cope with the situation, provisions of renewed safety nets are urgently needed. Furthermore, the rising fiscal deficits are restraining economic upturn by making people serious about future tax hikes and raising long-term interest rates. Measures to restore government fiscal balances in the medium and long term are also required. Second, the Japanese social system, which has looked highly on across-the-board equality, has generated a bloated public sector and inefficient resource allocation. Typical examples are excessive regulation, overprotection, lack of self-reliance, and the "convoy" system. To cope with these problems, a new system needs to be built in which all production factors such as capital, labor, and land should be best allocated in a more efficient way through fundamental reforms in the public sector and full utilization of the market mechanism. Third, a Japanese management style that depends on unrealized capital gains has become obsolete by international standards, and has made the new challenge difficult. The Japanese financial system of indirect financial intermediation, which is based on land as collateral, has been malfunctioning. A new business management as well as a new financial system that will fit the Japanese economy in the 21st century need to be established early, so that the abundant savings of Japan are best mobilized for economic development in the next century.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Strengths and Limitations of the Behaviourist Approach in Explainin

The aim of this essay is to describe and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the behaviourist approach in terms of ability to explain behaviour. This essay will briefly outline the historical development of the behaviourist approach and include psychologists ranging from Watson to Bandura. This essay will describe in detail the different perspectives held within behaviourism from classical conditioning to the social learning theory and discuss the strengths and weakness surrounding these theories. The idea of Behaviourism dates back to Descartes. Descartes was a philosopher that introduced the mind and body debate, he believed that the mind and body were two separate existences that casually interacted with each other, he named this his theory of interactive dualism however the idea of behaviourism didn’t derive from just this one point. Theories on the mind and body originated from as far back as Plato and Aristotle. (Gentile 2008) Another contributor to the idea of the behaviourism approach was John Locke with his belief that all humans are born with ‘tabular Rasa’ a blank state. Locke believed that the mind at birth had no innate conceptions and that all behaviour is learnt from the environment. Locke wanted to validate his nurture belief so employed empirical methods of research. All these different theories helped Behaviourism come into a discipline in its own right from the twentieth century onwards (Gentile 2008) The behaviourist approach is somewhat different to the other approaches in Psychology as the main focus is on the external environmental factors and the effect these have on behaviour. Behaviourists believe that People have no free will and that a person’s environment determines their behaviour and that psy... ...lots of contrasting views surrounding the behaviourist approach and the explanations it gives for explaining behaviour however it can be said that behaviourism has made great contributions to a better understanding of behaviour. Works Cited Flannagan,C (1997) A Level Psychology.London: Letts Educational Gentile,B and Miller,B (2008) Foundations of Psychological Thought: A History of Psychology.Los Angeles :Sage Publications Ltd Glassman,W and Hadan,M (2004) Approaches to Psychology.4Ed.Berkshire:Open university Press. R,Gross 2004 Key studies in psychology.3Ed.Oxford:Hodder and Stoughton Gross,R (2009)Psychology. The science of mind and behaviour. 5ed.Oxford:Hodder and Stoughton Moxon,D and Brewer,K.(2003) Heinemann Psychology.Oxford:Educational Publishers Roth,I (2000) Introduction to Psychology.Glasgow:Bath Press Colour books.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Abnormal Psychology in the Media Essay

The film â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† (Grazer, 2001) tells of the true life of John Nash, a Nobel Prize winner who has struggled the majority of his life with paranoid schizophrenia. This essay will evaluate John Nash’s exhibited behaviors, and how therapists from the 5 perspectives of abnormal psychology would have treated his illness. At the beginning of the movie â€Å"A beautiful Mind† (Grazer, 2001), John Nash is moving into a dorm room at Princeton University in 1947. John Nash appears slightly strange by exhibiting social withdrawal by avoiding people, along with a drop in school performance as he does not attend his classes. Soon visual hallucinations become apparent as Charles; his roommate makes appearances with his niece Marcie throughout the movie, along with Parcher, the head of the Department of Defense, who appears later in the movie as John Nash’s hallucinations become worse. John Nash begins to believe that he is employed by the Department of Defense, deciphering secret codes from the Soviets. As John’s hallucinations peak, he is admitted to a mental hospital under the care of Dr. Rosen, who diagnoses him with advanced schizophrenia. During the hospital stay, John received Thorazine injections, rendering him unconscious. John is seen during his stay at the hospital restrained to a chair, as well as a bed. During the time that he is restrained to a bed, Doctor Rosen is seen administering insulin injections, resulting in seizure activity as John’s wife is viewing the procedure through a window. Doctor Rosen tells Johns wife, Alicia that John must have insulin therapy several times a week in order to get well. Once John has returned home, he is seen taking two pink tablets several times a day. John appears to be keeping to himself while  trying to deal with the effects of his medication; he decides to stop taking it without anyone knowing. Soon Alicia discovers that John is again having hallucinations of working for the department of defense requiring John to return to Doctor Rosen. After John resumes his medications, he begins to realize that Charles, Marcie and Parcher are not real. John goes to his friend Martin, who is in charge of the math department at Princeton University, asking for permission to sit in classes in order for him to get back into society which results in John gaining a teaching position after learning to deal with his illness by ignoring his hallucinations. The five perspectives of abnormal psychology are: biological, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, and sociocultural. The biological model of abnormal psychology â€Å"focuses on genetics, neurotransmitters, brain changes, and other physical factors† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012 Pg. 23). Treatment through this model would begin with a â€Å"diagnostic interview along with images of the brain structure from an MRI† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 25). After these evaluations, a therapist would decide on the treatment necessary to treat the disorder such as therapy, social training skills, vocational rehabilitation, and medications. John Nash would possibly be given dopamine which â€Å"generally has antipsychotic effects easing the symptoms of schizophrenia† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 25) and therapy. According to Saul McLeod (2007) the biological approach believes that most behavior is inherited and has an adaptive function. Biological factors such as hormones, chromosomes, and the brain have significant influence on behavior, in the case of John Hall having schizophrenia; biological psychologists believe that levels of dopamine are the cause (Pg. 6). The psychodynamic model of abnormal psychology â€Å"focuses on internal personality characteristics† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 25). Treatments from this perspective would begin with a â€Å"therapist exploring the patients past for unresolved conflicts† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 30). â€Å"Other treatments would be the use of free association, or dream analysis† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 31). In John Nash’s circumstance, the psychodynamic model therapist would be looking into his past for the answer to his hallucinations. According to Laura Saunders (2011) the goal of the psychodynamic model therapist is to enable the patient to gain access to their repressed ideas and conflicts encouraging them to face up to whatever  emerges from their unconscious (Pg. 1). The humanistic model of abnormal psychology â€Å"focuses on personal growth, choice, and responsibility† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 23), that â€Å"Assumes the person’s behavior is determined by perceptions of themselves and others† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 33). The humanistic models treatment begins with â€Å"qualitative assessments to find out the unique characteristics of the client, and their perceptions of the world. The therapist will then engage the client in conversations so that the client can develop solutions to their problems† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 34). Treating John Nash with this type of therapy would include conversations about his hallucinations in order for him to develop his own solutions. According to Kendra Cherry (2013) therapists from the humanistic model of abnormal psychology are focused on the individual’s potential and stress the importance of growth and self-actualization. The fundamental belief of the humanistic model is that people are innately good and that mental and social problems result from deviations from natural tendency (Pg. 1). The cognitive-behavioral model of abnormal psychology â€Å"focuses on specific thoughts and learning experiences† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 23). Treatment from the cognitive-behavioral model would include a â€Å"functional analysis, evaluating antecedents and consequences of behavior, followed by cognitive-behavioral therapy to change patterns of thinking and behaviors that are contributing to the patients problems† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 38), and â€Å"exposure treatment, which involves directly confronting the patients problem, or token economy, which reinforces certain behaviors with rewards† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 39), which John Nash, would possible be involved in, earning points for positive behaviors, and attending therapy. According to Jean Galica (2013), the cognitive behavioral model is an approach designed to change mental images, thoughts and thought patterns in order to help the patient overcome emotional and behavioral problems. This model is based upon a theory that behaviors and emotions are caused in part by cognitions and cognitive processes that the patient can learn to change (Pg. 3). The sociocultural model of abnormal psychology focuses on â€Å"external environmental events and includes the family systems perspective† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 23). Therapy within this model would consist of an â€Å"assessment of the patient’s culture, family  structure, dynamics, and environment in order to understand the person’s mental health† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 44). As therapists from this model focus on addressing the patients problems in order to decrease or prevent stress, along with having family and couples therapy in order to include multiple family members into the therapy† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 44). Within this model, John Hall would have attended both individual therapy as well as couples therapy with his wife. According to Sheila Grant (N.D.) therapists from the sociocultural model believe that abnormal behavior may be found in the failures of society rather than from within the person, and that psychological problems can be rooted in requiring the therapist to look deep within the person’s relationships and social life (Pg. 7). This writer feels that the biological method of abnormal psychology is the best to treat John Nash’s schizophrenia since it â€Å"focuses on genetics, neurotransmitters, brain changes, and other physical factors† (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 23). Along with the fact that treatment begins with a diagnostic interview containing MRI brain images (Kearney, C., & Trull, T., 2012, Pg. 25) before a treatment plan for schizophrenia would begin. According to NIMA.Gov (2013) it has been long known that schizophrenia can be inherited, that there are several genes associated with the disease (Pg. 1) resulting in treatments being based upon eliminating the patients symptoms by using medications such as: â€Å"antipsychotic medications to help normalize the biochemical imbalances, controlling hallucinations, delusions and confusion, along with supportive therapies† (Grohol, J., 2011, Pg. 1). References Cherry, K. (2013). Humanistic Psychology. Retrieved 2/19/2013, from Galica, J. (2013). Behavioral/Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Retrieved 2/19/2013, from Grant, S. (n.d.). Introduction and Methods of Research. Retrieved 2/19/2013, from Grazer, B. (Producer) & Howard, R. (Director). (2001). A Beautiful Mind [Motion picture]. United States: Universal. Grohol, J. (2011). Psych Central: schizophrenia Treatment. Retrieved 2/19/2013, from Kearney, C., & Trull, T. (2012). Abnormal Psychology and Life A Dimensional Approach. Belmont, California: Wadsworth. McLeod, S. (2007). Psychology Perspectives. Retrieved 2/18/2013, from Saunders, L. (2011). The Psychodynamic Model of Abnormality. Retrieved 2/19/2013, from (2013). What Causes Schizophrenia?. Retrieved 2/19/2013, from